Thursday, February 24, 2011

Bully Utopia?

Princess Margaret Secondary School in Penticton, British Columbia has a medium sized student body with approximately 750 students attending. As bullying is somewhat of a problem everywhere, it's impossible to say bullying isn't present at this school. You can't say with complete certainty that there is no bullying at any school, anywhere, whether the school has 10 students or 5000 students. This school is different though, when you walk in, you feel comfortable almost immediately.

Everyone here seems to know their place and doesn't step out of it in case they cause some trouble. So far it seems everyone goes out of their way to keep bullying from happening. Although for every person trying to stop it, there is always someone trying to ruin the fun for everyone. While it isn't evident at first. When you take a deeper much more detailed look at the inner workings of all the students. You begin to notice there is a surprising amount of bullying. Listening in, most of it is done online, but you see a little bit of the physical and psychological battles that happen as one person thinks they are the king or queen of the school.

Slowly fadng bullying out could be a simple task thrust upon the school if they give out harsher punishments to the students who feel the need to bully others, and having monthly talks about how bullying can affect others along with a horrid story of what bullying does. Instilling fear may sound like the wrong way to go with bullying issues, but it is the only way to stop bullying altogether.

Monday, February 7, 2011

College Application.

I shook hands with Hitler, met Satan, and watched Jesus carry his crucifix, just to subliminally plant myself in history. I built my grandmother a bookshelf for her knitting pattern books, then went and painted over graffiti to do a good deed. I am the one who decides what happens in the world, you just don't know that because I don't allow anyone to know. I stole the Eiffel Tower and then rebuilt a knew one in its spot without a single eye seeing what was taking place.

I was there when the London Fire decimated half the city, I contributed to the Berlin Wall and I didn't even sing about it. I bartered metal pots for chocolate from the Mayans so I could create chocolate ice cream. I flew around the icy mountains in the Swiss Alps in a hang glider. I swim with my pet piranhas. Now it's lunch and I plop myself down to eat chicken and waffles in a field with no ants. I play hangman with a real person because I know I'm going to win every game. I stopped JFK's assassination.

Through coordinate geometry I discovered the city of Atlantis. I'm mastered at the rococo painting technique, I painted King Louis XIV in all of nine minutes. With Leonardo Da Vinci's blueprints, I created the first flying machine, and the first machine gun which was used in World War I.

Now I ask you, have you made a bookshelf for you're grandmother? I have and that shows all the qualities needed to go to this university.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Senior year, journey, world, go with the flow.

Senior year for me is the culmination of thirteen years of hard work, early mornings, late nights, and sleepovers. All the marks equalling up to how many hairs you've lost on the journey to graduation day, and the percentages meaning how much you would much rather do something fun than homework, but realized you needed to do homework. It's when being pushed into a group of people opposite from you and then expected to click with them and become best of friends all comes to an end. When knowing where to go next, why you're going there,  is thrown out the window. Now it's time we all just go with the flow and do nothing, let the world take us where it wants. Thinking you know everything is put to an impossible test. You realize the world you think you know, is not quite what it seems. No one telling us what to do, we do it for ourselves. Senior year for me is the beginning of my life, not the life that was thrust upon me for eighteen years. It's time for me to go and do what I want.